Greater Mekong Subregion Flood and Drought Risk Management and Mitigation Project (SF) (Grant - Lao PRD)
US$('000) 13,090
Project Description
The impact of the Project will be reduced economic losses resulting from floods and droughts. The outcome will be improved capacities and preparedness to manage and mitigate the impacts of flood and drought events. The Project will have four key outputs: (i) Enhanced regional data, information, and knowledge base for the management of floods and droughts; (ii) Upgraded water management infrastructure; (iii) Enhanced capacity for community-based disaster risk management; and (iv) Effective project implementation.
Progress (as of March 2021)
Ongoing. Project team working on extending the closing date to 21 May 2021 to complete outstanding activities which were delayed due to Covid-19. With possible savings, the EA will propose to install additional drainage pumps.
Contact 1 | |
Contact Name | Vanthong Inthavong |
Organization | Lao Resident Mission, ADB |
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Contact 2 | |
Contact Name | - |
Organization | - |
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