
Fifth Meeting of the Regional Power Trade Coordination Committee (RPTCC-5): Summary of Discussions

The RPTCC-5 meeting was held to: (i) discuss and decide on the recommendations of the FG for priority RPTCC activities, and confirm the work plans for both the PWG and FG; (ii) take stock of various ongoing and planned ADB assistance to the GMS energy sector, and (iii) discuss and derive lessons from recent experiences in developing regional energy markets.

Sixth Meeting of the Regional Power Trade Coordination Committee (RPTCC-6)

The RPTCC-6 meeting was held to undertake the following: (i) confirm the FG-4 agreements and recommendations on the next steps and timelines of priority RPTCC studies and activities; (ii) discuss updates on the ongoing and proposed technical assistance to the RPTCC; (iii) review, refine and set the milestones for preparation of the proposed MOU on the power trade road map and Action Plan on Energy; and (iv) brief GMS representatives on the experiences in developing other regional energy markets.

Sixth Meeting of the Planning Working Group (PWG-6) of the Regional Power Trade Coordination Committee (RPTCC-7)

The PWG-6 meeting will revisit/ review the results and accomplishments under the regional technical assistance project (RETA) 6304 (Regional Power Trade Coordination and Development), particularly in the areas of training, database/ website development, master plan study, and studies on performance standards and transmission regulation.

Second Meeting of the GMS Subregional Energy Sector Forum (SEF-2): Summary of Discussions

The SEF-2 meeting will discuss the medium term (2008-2015) road map for expanded GMS energy cooperation and will consider the proposed work plan for realizing the road map, after a careful assessment of the priority activities and timetable of the work plan. The first SEF meeting held in Bangkok in December 2004, agreed to establish the SEF to oversee the expansion of cooperation to other energy sub-sectors per the request of the GMS countries.

Fifth Meeting of the Planning Workshop Group (PWG-5) of the Regional Power Trade Coordination Committee (RPTCC): Summary of Discussions

The PWG-5 meeting was held to: (i) decide on chairmanship for the PWG and FG, and firm up the system for rotation and tenure of chairmanship; (ii) update on and advance the progress of priority RPTCC studies and activities, such as the studies on performance standards and transmission regulation, training programs, and the power sector database and website; (iii) provide updates of each GMS country's power generation and transmission development plans; (iv) discuss priority GMS interconnections for ADB support and other priority projects in the master plan and their relation to country powe

Seventh Meeting of the Planning Working Group (PWG-7), 8th Meeting of the Focal Group (FG-8), and 8th Meeting of the RPTCC (RPTCC-8)

This is the summary of discussions at the 7th Meeting of the Planning Working Group (PWG-7), 8th Meeting of the Focal Group (FG-8), and 8th Meeting of the Regional Power Trade Coordination Committee (RPTCC-8) in Luang Prabang, Lao People's Democratic Republic on 25 to 27 November 2009.
